Museum of Natural Sciences (VIP room) - Vautierstreet 29 1000 Brussels

Our annual General Assembly will take place June 7 from 15h to 18h in Brussels. As usual, we will combine the formal aspects of running the association with a content-related and networking session.

Do you want to help shape the future of BeWiSe?

  • Pay your 2024 membership fee (€25) to get voting rights and support BeWiSe
    BEWISE membership 2024 + your FIRST and LAST name
    IBAN BE69 0689 4049 7778
  • Consider joining BeWise as volunteer and contribute to the organisation of future events and initiatives.


15h00 Private session for members only

  • Update on membership, 2023 closing of accounts and vote
  • Renewal of Board members: presentation of candidates and vote

16h00 Public session for all members and supporters

  • Overview and discussion of past and planned activities
  • Volunteering for BeWiSe
  • Special session: How can men be allies in promoting gender equality?