Cannot find women experts to contribute to your event? No excuse, consult these databases and reach out.
- Expertes.Brussels in Brussels (Amazone vzw – asbl) is a database that highlights more than 200 women who live and/or work in Brussels in order to give them the visibility they deserve.
- Expertendatabank in Flanders
The Expertendatabank aims to make diverse voices heard in media and on congressional podiums. Specifically, we focus on promoting greater visibility for women, people with migration backgrounds, and individuals with disabilities, among other underrepresented groups. We invite you to join us in this effort to create a more representative and inclusive public sphere.
- Brussels Binder in Europe
The Brussels Binder is the go-to resource for improving gender diversity in policy debates. Good policy comes from innovative ideas, new perspectives and fresh analysis that reflect the diverse societies it impacts.
Are you a young professional or an experienced speaker? Register as an expert.
Register yourself as an expert in the Flemish ‘expertendatabank’ and make yourself more easy to find for Flemish media and conference organisers
Quote from the organisers (in Dutch): “Diversiteit is een groeikans voor de samenleving en staat hoog op de agenda. Maar die diversiteit is lang niet altijd zichtbaar. Zeker niet als het gaat over vrouwen, mensen met een migratieachtergrond of mensen met een handicap die als expert in de media of als spreker op congressen aan bod komen. Toch zijn die er wel! De expertendatabank wil die andere stemmen zichtbaar maken, hun stem laten horen in media en op congres podia en stereotypering tegengaan. Via de zoekfunctie vind je als ingelogde gebruiker bijna 1000 diverse stemmen in de databank.”

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Become a member
BeWiSe is open to everyone working or having worked at all levels in science and engineering in the public and private sectors and to individuals who promote equal participation of women in science.
By becoming an affiliated member of BeWiSe, you can access the mentoring programme, shape our future during the General Assemblies and take part in special events like Lunch & Learn and Going for Leadership.