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We aim for a society where science contribution to our planet’s well-being is valued by citizens and where researchers of all genders and backgrounds inspire the young to embrace scientific careers.
BeWiSe's main objectives
To support the position of women in science, both in public and private sectors
To improve communication among women in the Belgian and European scientific community
How we achieve these objectives
Creating a network for support and exchange of information, experience and knowledge
Providing an electronic meeting place with easy access for everybody
Organising meetings, seminars and workshops
Setting up contacts with similar European and international associations
Spreading selected news through our Linkedin group and Facebook page
BeWiSe is a non-profit organisation connecting and supporting female scientists active at universities, research institutes and companies all over Belgium.
BeWiSe supports female scientists and is open to women and anybody else who promotes equal participation of women in science.
BeWiSe wants to achieve gender-equal participation at all levels of science and engineering in the public and private sectors.
BeWiSe encourages

Equal opportunities for both women and men to reach the most senior level in sciences
Appropriate actions to achieve equal participation of women in science
Laws and regulations that encourage and sustain increased participation by women in science
Programs for change towards more democratic and participatory systems in science
Measures that facilitate the reconciliation of men's and women's professional and family life
Equal participation of women in decision-making bodies
Who we are
Steering Committee
Our steering committee helps us reflect on our achievements and priorities, and represent a diverse community of scientists:
Celestina Arrigo | Senior Director Pharmacovigilance QA (retired) |
Luc Geurts | Professor at KU Leuven |
Patricia Lampens | Astronomer at the Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Chiara Magnani | Scientific consultant at Leyton, material sciences |
Carole Paleco | International relations/project liaison officer at Royal Institute of natural Science |
Tatjana Parac-Vogt | Full professor of chemistry at KU Leuven |
Serena Torcasio | Post-doctoral research associate at UMons |
Bart Vermang | Professor at UHasselt and imec |

Become a member
BeWiSe is open to everyone working or having worked at all levels in science and engineering in the public and private sectors and to individuals who promote equal participation of women in science.
By becoming an affiliated member of BeWiSe, you can access the mentoring programme, shape our future during the General Assemblies and take part in special events like Lunch & Learn and Going for Leadership.